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Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Writing this makes it real
Is it to honour you and keep you eternally here
Or is it rude
Because words will never do justice
Not to you
Not to anyone who knew you
Maybe it is for me
To finaly accept what is real
I still don't
Even your name makes me uncomfortable
Saying it out loud will only mean you existed
You did 
But now it is just in my fevered dreams
Every night 
Making me scared to fall asleep
Because i know i will not want to wake up, wanting to give you one last kiss
To be there for the last goodbye 
Because no matter how frightening
I will never give up on you 
But i did 
When you needed me the most
When i needed you the most
I was not there
I was too late
And it's not hate which darkens the heart
It's regret which leaves one in despair until the end 
Desperate to correct it even when i have no control
Grasping at lose ends, never wanting to open my eyes
But i have to
Because not everyone believes in magic
I do
In you
A magic far beyond anyone's understanding
A love so precious it needs to be kept hidden
Death is never delayed, they say
But noone told me it will be the last hug
That it will be last time you will ever comfort me 
It took me the longest to write this
A year
And when i finaly got to it
Between tears and long pauses and a train ride
I knew there was no closure
Not for these words, not for me
I will always carry the pain of having to imagine what your last breath sounded like 
I will always carry the pain of not knowing your agony in those moments
And how hard you fought to stay with the people who loved you
I can only imagine
And try to remember my dreams
The only place where I can save you now
The only way for me to never let go of this regret 
Because it is the only reality I can hold onto
June will always be a reminder that without you, I am nothing. 
It will always be a reminder that I have lost my life forever. 

*Painting by Rob Gonsalves